dags för paus
Okej, så här kul har jag just nu;
"People who say they 'prefer' Gothic to classical or classical to Gothic are, I suspect, usually the victims of this nineteenth-century misinterpretation. The fact is that the essentials of architecture - as expounded by the Renaissance theorists - are to be found expressed, consciously or unconsciously, throughout the architectures of the world. And while we must incorporate these essentials in our idea of what is classical we must also accept the fact that classical architecture is only recognizable as such when it contains some allusion, however slight, however vestigial, to the antique 'orders'. Such an allusion may be no more than som groove or projection which suggests the idea of a cornice or even desposition of windows which suggests the ratio of pedistal or column, column to entablature."
Puss och kram
"People who say they 'prefer' Gothic to classical or classical to Gothic are, I suspect, usually the victims of this nineteenth-century misinterpretation. The fact is that the essentials of architecture - as expounded by the Renaissance theorists - are to be found expressed, consciously or unconsciously, throughout the architectures of the world. And while we must incorporate these essentials in our idea of what is classical we must also accept the fact that classical architecture is only recognizable as such when it contains some allusion, however slight, however vestigial, to the antique 'orders'. Such an allusion may be no more than som groove or projection which suggests the idea of a cornice or even desposition of windows which suggests the ratio of pedistal or column, column to entablature."
Puss och kram

haha... lite humor ändå... men när du väl kmmit in i boken då börja du fatta :P
hehe, det låter som att du tror att jag faktiskt kommer att komma in i boken nån gång ;P den är ju sanslöst tråkig. mitt ex är förresten tryckt 2006...
Du behöver ju helt klart en choklad och tv paus;)